Sunday, September 11, 2005

JavaZone 2005

It's been a really long time since the last post. Some of the reason is because that have been home for 1 month with my son (now 9 months), and having 4 weeks summerholiday afterworks. After that I almost forgot the thing (the blog...).

Now it's almost time for the yearly JavaZone Event in Oslo. I am really looking forward to it, because of Java, former colleagues and great sessions. There is no other event in Norway which can compare to this one, even though rOOts and some others have very good quality.

I have been using .Net for almost a year now, and not that it's really bad, but I miss Java. While there is a growing community for sharing code and ideas in the .Net world, the Java community is in another league in this respect.

I hope I will meet several of my former colleagues at TietoEnator at the Event. I shared some great tours and hard arguments with these people, and that I have not forgot!


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